Fitness influencer and writer Erin Oprea is sharing a thrilling discovery with her fans and followers: castor oil can lessen the appearance of stretch marks, even ones that are decades old. Oprea post...
Share on PinterestCastor oil could be a good natural remedy for dry eye disease, a new trial indicates. BERND THISSEN/DPA/AFP via Getty Images Researchers based in New Zealand finished a pilot trial o...
If you’re in the market for an affordable, multitasking beauty product, you’re in luck. Much-maligned castor oil is a surprising celebrity-loved skin-care staple that’s used to promote eyebrow, ...
Whether the issue is a bad haircut, a case of COVID, stress, or thinning, just about all of our hair growth journeys have come with speed bumps. The key to healthy hair growth is ultimately a healthy ...