If you like to include apple cider vinegar in your food and drink, there are some fun herbal preparations you can make at home. Vinegars are a great way to work with herbs and can be very customizable...
Many years ago, I shared my experience remineralizing my teeth. Since then, I've received hundreds of questions about my oral care routine. Although I'm not actively working to heal any caviti...
Ecological Benefits of American Burnweed Clearing my land of diseased wood and invasive species was a lot of work, but it led to a pleasant surprise: American burnt grasses are popping up everywhere i...
Now that the weather is starting to get (slightly!) cooler, I'm in the mood for cozy blankets and warm drinks on the sofa. Hot mulled cider is a cold weather favorite here! This version adds the h...
When mineral-rich rocks, natural weathering, and hundreds of years of space combine, the Earth provides a fine-grained material known as natural clay. For millennia, cosmetic clay have been used in al...
Chamomile Lavender Latte When I first found Chamomile Lavender Latte, it was love at first sip. The soft, floral notes of lavender together with the soft, apple-like aroma of chamomile make for a trul...
I recently got an Italian chicken and have been making lots of Italian inspired chicken dishes. First, it was chicken piccatathen i made a healthy version of it chicken hunterchicken florentine, Chick...
Tending to a herb garden offers physicians a host of benefits. It offers one different selection of plants to work and offers peace of mind to know that our herbs are grown locally and with our love a...
FAQ – Making sun-dried tomatoes 1. How long do dried tomatoes stay in oil? When properly preserved in oil and refrigerated, sun-dried tomatoes can last for about a month. The oil helps preserve ...