This is your new recipe for a fast, total meal that seems to be from a restaurant, but it is easy for the week to dinner. If you are cooking for one or not eating the family, this recipe makes it easi...
This high protein spicy Shrimp Like a delicious festival in your face! You will like a fresh weekly dinner with soft shrimp, black beans, red onions, maize and creamy avocado then shake with lime-hone...
Ready to make a cookie that will rival a Manhattan bakery? Skip the store-bought cookies and make these Chunky White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies. They got it all. They are thick and crunchy and bu...
This is a hot spice banana Almond muffins Light, fluffy and naturally sweet. With a hint of vanilla in every bite, they're the perfect sweet start to your morning. Top them with some almonds or pe...
This one-pot Italian chicken orzo is packed with chicken, creamy orzo pasta, and Tuscan-inspired vegetables, all full of Italian flavor. It's a one-pan dinner ready in just 45 minutes that will ma...
It's a one-skillet wonder that's ready in about 30 minutes, making it the perfect option for busy weeknights or days when you don't want to spend hours in the kitchen. It's got a cream...
We sneak a layer of garlic butter to take your pizza to a whole new delicious level! Skip the delivery and make your own delicious French Bread Pizza in the Air Fryer tonight. Crispy French bread, coa...
This fluffy, roasted chili-Cottage cheese egg bites An easy high-protein on-the-go breakfast for weekdays with ham. Its tangy Dijon and hints of chives will help you start the day on a delicious note,...
by: shelly Posted by: January 19, 2025 This sweet and savory honey mustard chicken is drenched in flavor and perfect for a weeknight meal. After a little marinating, it comes out tender and juicy in t...