It's finally summer, which means it's time to reacquaint yourself with the simple pleasures of warm-weather baking. These include ripe fruit, juicy to play with, recipes that require you to fi...
The other week, I had a friend staying with me. And it was around 11:15 when I realized: I have nothing to make for lunch. I was fresh out of bread, the drawer was in a sad state and some eggs were le...
You have done perfect pizza dough, gave it shape nice, and chose your cheese and dressing. Now it's time for the filling: You can throw anything that sounds delicious in there, right? Not enough! ...
Depending on which side of the pond you are on, a joke it can take several different forms. Sometimes, it's a simple matter – a blank, empty plate waiting for a dollop of jam or drizzle of h...
Technically, any cake can be a birthday cake. But for many of us, “birthday cake” means one thing: a moist yellow cake filled with rich chocolate frosting, a shower of splashand of course,...
Did you know that King Arthur has a whole YouTube channel full of baking videos to show you how to make everything from baguettes to birthday cake? Instructors like ours Martin Philip AND This is Amed...
Most old-fashioned recipes call for sifting flour and other dry ingredients during baking, but many modern recipes skip this step. Do you really need to sift flour? Occasionally – but for the mo...
The best part of a s'more is the roasted and toasted marshmallow. Just think – without it, you'd have a sad pile of graham crackers and unmelted chocolate. But add a roasted marshmallow—...
When I first tried baking sourdough bread four years ago it was anything but easy. I gave up several times. Moldy sourdough starter, bricks and sourdough bread with large irregular holes and tight cru...