Stale bread is a rare occurrence in my kitchen. I usually bake a batch of sourdough once a week and eat it in the next three or four days (okay, sometimes in three hours). After four days, your sourdo...
You are bringing your favorite cups of cream tea on a morning at the office and you'd like to enjoy them a little. Or maybe the berries are on sale and you're wondering what to bake with them....
A few months ago, test kitchen manager Sarah Jampel sent me a link on Instagram, with a message in big letters begging me to check it out. The link in question it was a bobbin from the baker And Langa...
Looking for the next best sourdough bread recipe to impress the family? Then this particularly delicious and super easy sourdough fougasse bread recipe has your name written all over it! The best thin...
Springtime baking can be difficult—we crave bright, fresh flavors, but there's not much season yet. That's where citrus and pantry staple heroes like desiccated coconut and canned pineapple co...
Achieving a bubbly, balanced starter is easier than you think. I'll show you how to make your own sourdough starter from scratch with just a few simple ingredients and a little patience – no previ...
Parchment paper it makes baking easier. This is just a fact. There's simpler preparation, less cleanup, and most importantly, no stickiness. And helpful, it often can be Reusing. I've had shee...
There are several reasons cheesecake cracks – here's how to avoid ugly results. Why cheesecake cracks: overbaking Overbaking is the biggest cause of cracks. As the cake bakes, the heat cause...
In this article: If you are alone learning to bake sourdough breadyou may be confused by all the terms that bakers casually bandy around. Mature beginner, autolyse, hydration, banneton … it's like...