Making your own spring bath tea
The ritual of making a bath tea is as therapeutic as the bath itself, involving a careful selection and blending of ingredients that resonate with your current mood and needs. This guide will help you create your own springtime bath tea recipes, from choosing ingredients to enjoying the immersive experience.
Step 1: Choose your base
Start with a base of Epsom salts or sea salt, which will serve as the base for your bath tea. These salts are rich in minerals and help relax muscles and soften water.
Step 2: Choose your herbs and flowers
Refer to our sections on ingredients for herbal bath teas to choose the herbs and flowers that speak to you. Whether you're drawn to the soothing properties of chamomile or the uplifting scent of rose petals, this is where your bath tea begins to take on a personal touch.
Step 3: Add essential oils
A few drops of essential oils can dramatically improve the aromatic profile of your bath tea. Consider the mood you want to create—whether it's energizing, relaxing, or balancing—and choose oils that match your goals.
Step 4: Mix and pack
Combine the salts, herbs, flowers and essential oils in a bowl. Stir gently to distribute the oils evenly. Next, pack your mixture into a reusable tea bag, muslin bag, or even a piece of cheesecloth tied with string.
Step 5: Create your bathroom
Fill your bathtub with warm water and soak your bath tea bag. Allow to steep as the tub fills, releasing the aromas and properties of your chosen ingredients. For an extra touch of luxury, you can sprinkle petals or loose herbs on the surface of the water.
Step 6: Inhale and enjoy
Step into your bathroom, let the warm water wash over you, and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and allow the natural aromas to transport you to a place of peace and renewal. This is your moment – a time for relaxation, reflection and renewal.